Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dress Code Essay

A couple of days ago I had you all to write in your journals how you felt about the school dress code. I want you to look back over the last 4 or 5 entries you had concerning it and compile a 5 part essay and post it to your blogs. It is already written, all you have to do is type out what you wrote. Happy blogging!

I am, I can, I will--Poem

The following poem represents a small portion of who I am. This style of poetry is called free expression and gives the author a way to express who they are in a poetic style. Remember this is just a sample. Follow the basic format of beginning and ending each stanza with the words I am, I can and I will. In free expression poetry you DO NOT have to rhyme. Be creative and have fun!

My Example:

I Am I Can I Will

I am the future I teach,
I am here for you if you reach
Reach out and take my hand
Divided we fall together we stand
I am...

I can help you to succeed
But I want you to take the lead
I can be by your side to catch you if you should fall
If you have a problem all you have to do is call
I can be there in your time of need
I can...

I will introduce you to literature, grammar and public speaking
I will show you how to travel to far away places
I will unlock your mind and fill the empty spaces
I will listen, discuss, scaffold and debate
But my main job is to educate

And I Will, I Can, I Am
Ms. Ellison

Saturday, August 2, 2014

"The Three Little Pigs" -- Themes

Create a page discussing a theme from a favorite childhood story. Tell me the name of the story, and what theme is trying to be relayed. Afterwards tell me how you know this is a theme. In other words, what did the author write that makes you feel he is trying to entice you into thinking of this "theme" as a moral?
Example: The Three Little Pigs One of the themes of this story is to always build your future on a firm foundation. I feel the author was trying to tell readers to always be prepared. He demonstrates this point by showing the cause and effects of having a poor foundation. He shows us that because the first 2 little pigs built their houses out of straw and wood they had a poor foundation and therefore when trouble came their way they could not withstand the wind. Their foundations were blown away by the pressures of life. The 3rd little pig planned and created a secure and safe foundation out of brick. When trouble (the wolf) came his way, his foundation stood fast. Now it is your turn. Remember in order to find the theme or moral of a story, you have to be able to look beyond the words and get the "big" picture. Ask yourself, what is the author trying to tell me.